Thursday, September 10, 2009

Concrete & Tiles In Progress

Pathways and tiling well under way. Most things are going well.....

Shed bits delivered, yipee. Shed slab should be poured Saturday all going well. Maybe ill have a shed next week? Now that would be exciting!

This is called im a concrete cutter, i fail at the obvious.... The gutter has been cut, for a single width driveway. We have a double width driveway. so like we're going to have concrete 1.5m either side of the driveway entrance to look nice? WTF are you doing IDIOT! Lets hope they get that fixed before pouring. RETARD.

Some bad photo's of the internal tiling under way. Tiles are a really nice chocolate with a cool liney swirl through them. Nothing like what the photo's show them to be.

Extra big shower for ensuite. Nice

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